Letting Go
For the past 3 years, I have been interviewing, writing, revising, and getting my new book, The Sport of Motherhood: Training Tips for a Full and Balanced Life , to print. I have hit a spectrum of emotions along the way ranging from euphoria to tears. Why? Because the path was not always clear. When I hit walls along the way, I'd hammer away or devise an alternate route. Sometimes, I needed to back off and focus on a different area of writing or the business. I had to "let go" of my timeline and my expectations, but I could keep doing the footwork and keep some momentum.
Though I could revise until the cows come home, I am ready to put Sport out in the public domain. It is the right time. A year or two ago would have been too soon. See, I needed to grow in other areas of my life too. So now I am ready to see what all of this brings.
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